To start a money transfer online to a bank account, you’ll need to access your Western Union profile. Start by logging in, or register now for free.
Next, enter the destination country and amount of money you would like to send to your loved one’s bank account.
Then enter your receiver’s bank details. You can check country-specific banking information, as well as the amount of time your transfer will take, using our extensive bank account transfer details page.
Send money and pay electronically directly from your bank account or with your debit or credit1 card. We’ll email you the confirmation with a tracking number (MTCN), which you can share with your receiver.
Send money quickly or start a transfer and pay in-store.
Track your money transfer in real time.
Send again quickly to friends and family.
Receive a free estimate for your currency transfer any time and without an obligation to send money later.
We’re here to help you transfer funds overseas in a way that’s best for your circumstances – with thousands of agent locations in the UK, we’re always close by.
To start your money transfer – whether online or in person – simply provide your receiver’s account details and their bank code.
Making repeat transfers is simple with Western Union. Simply save your receiver details for quick access next time.
Our encryption and anti-fraud efforts help protect your transfers, offering you peace of mind.
Sometimes, you might want to wait until a certain day to transfer money to a bank account online. Western Union makes it easy to schedule your payments in advance.
A global footprint of hundreds of thousands of retail locations. Your recipient can collect their money in minutes2 of it being sent.
As a company working in cross-border, cross-currency money movement, Western Union aims to help grow economies and create a better world. You have the capability to transfer money online, with our app or in person to billions of bank accounts worldwide. So, go ahead: discover how easy it is to transfer money with us, send money to loved ones and enjoy a reliable service – plus the other benefits we have to offer.
We encrypt your transfers
We are committed to keeping your data secure
Transfer money to a bank account with our online services, the Western Union app or in person at an agent location, to virtually anywhere in the world quickly and reliably.
A bank transfer is when money is sent from one bank account to another – and how you send the money can vary depending on your chosen method. ‘Bank transfer’ is typically a general term that covers a range of money transfers, including money transfer, online money transfer and more.
In the United Kingdom, you can send money through e-transfer from your bank account with Faster Payments or SOFORT Banking.
If you select a Faster Payments bank transfer, you can pay directly through your bank’s website, so you do not need to share your financial information. To do this, follow the payment instructions on your money transfer receipt.
If you select a SOFORT Banking instant bank transfer, simply follow the instructions on the screen once redirected to SOFORT Banking. You will need to have your online banking details ready to complete the transfer.
Please note that the delivery time varies according to the corridor, payment method and payout method selected. It only estimates the time to deliver the money and when the funds are received. It excludes the payment processing time.
The amount of time required to process a bank transfer varies depending on the location you are sending funds. Check the bank transfer service availability by destination.
The amount of time required to process a bank transfer varies depending on the location you are sending funds. Most bank transfers can be processed in minutes2 to one banking day. Check the bank transfer service availability by destination.
The cost to transfer money with Western Union varies depending on how you are sending and receiving money and the method used. For example, an international transfer may cost more than sending money domestically for cash pick-up.
You can use our price estimator to get a feel for how much your money transfer will cost.
1 Some card issuers may charge additional fees for using our services. Please contact your card issuer for more information.
2 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. Additional Restrictions may apply. See terms for details.
3 Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.