Take care of many of your money transfer needs at thousands of convenient agent locations.
Cash pickup is easy and convenient
Send to hundreds of thousands of Western Union agent locations around the world and across the US for cash pickup in minutes1.
Save time at the counter by starting online or on our app and paying
in cash at a participating agent location.
Start your transfer on the Western Union app, or at westernunion.com
Select the “Pay in-store” option
Head to a nearby participating agent location and provide
your phone number and payment to complete the transfer
Easily track your transfer with our app
Visit one of our agent locations across the country
Western Union is available in many major grocery chains and retail stores across the US. Find a location near you and look for the Western Union® signs while you shop.
1 Funds may be delayed or services unavailable based on certain transaction conditions, including amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, identification requirements, Agent location hours, differences in time zones, or selection of delayed options. For mobile transactions funds will be paid to receiver’s mWallet account provider for credit to account tied to receiver’s mobile number. Additional third-party charges may apply, including SMS and account over-limit and cash-out fees. See the transfer form for restrictions.